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Re: Kirghizistan

Messaggioda geom.Calboni » 28/08/2012, 18:58

Attaccata l'ambasciata bielorussa a Bishkek dai parenti del vecchio leader kyrghizo che sta svernando a Minsk:

Kyrgyz protesters attack Belarus embassy in Bishkek
Relatives of victims of the Kyrgyz antigovernment uprising of 2010 attacked the Belarusian Embassy in Bishkek Tuesday demanding its president extradite Kyrgyzstan’s toppled leader and his brother.

Embassy windows were broken and furniture damaged when dozens of protesters threw stones at the property, local media reported.

The protesters also called on the Kyrgyz government to sever relations with Belarus.

The action followed the recall of Kyrgyzstan’s ambassador to Belarus Friday after photographs of the ex-president’s brother Zhanybek Bakiev emerged online showing him in the Belarusian capital Minsk.

The Bakiev family and inner circle fled the country after the street revolts.

Belarus has refused all requests by the Kyrgyz government to return the two brothers for trial over the killing of nearly 90 people and the injury of around 1,000 others during the coup in April 2010.

The two men are accused of giving the order to fire at crowds that stormed the presidential residence.

Also Tuesday, the Kyrgyz foreign ministry asked the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) to pressure member state Belarus to extradite the wanted men, the KyrTAG news agency reported.

Meantime, the foreign ministry said it would keep the public updated on efforts made toward returning the ex-president to face justice in Kyrgyzstan.

Una storia, questa dell'aprile 2010 e dell'asilo a Minsk, che non conoscevo.
"Stiamo attenti, siamo contenti, comportiamoci bene e mangiamo la semplicità".

Nella vita le cose serie, alla lunga, ti fregano. Gustiamoci le cose effimere che proprio in quanto tali non ti tradiscono mai.

Studio la Serbia, mi piace la Russia, frequento la Polonia.

"Ho avuto molti ospiti e di varie nazionalità ma solo quella sera tutto il il locale parlava italiano"
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Iscritto il: 16/01/2009, 10:36
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