"Novosti" da Minsk

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"Novosti" da Minsk

Messaggioda andreas » 21/05/2009, 14:09

Solo per segnalare qualche piccola Novità dalla capitale Bielorussa..
E' stato inaugurato con capitali di imprenditoria Turca il primo Hotel Occidentale (Crowne Plaza) sulla kirova con annessa SPA(molto bella) ed il "Next" (discoteca bellina ma senza fascino Bielorusso e troppo fumosa,aperta ogni sera ma frequentata solo venerdi e sabato,ingresso uomo 15 eur)
In città si intravedono i primi segni di vacillazione della linea anti occidentale con l'apertura di vari brand internazionali.
Da non perdere bellissima e superspettacolare la parata Militare del 9 maggio sul viale dell'Indipendenza.
Ho scoperto che non ci sono scuole private per imparare la lingua Russa ma l'università apre in estate a corsi per stranieri al prezzo di 250 USD/mese.
Ho appena iniziato il mio viaggio
Messaggi: 23
Iscritto il: 04/03/2009, 16:08

Re: "Novosti" da Minsk

Messaggioda eestlane » 21/05/2009, 15:03

andreas ha scritto:Ho scoperto che non ci sono scuole private per imparare la lingua Russa ma l'università apre in estate a corsi per stranieri al prezzo di 250 USD/mese.

andreas, qualche notizia, link, info, contatto qualcosa per questi corsi?????
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Iscritto il: 21/01/2009, 10:55
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Re: "Novosti" da Minsk

Messaggioda andreas » 21/05/2009, 15:30


L'amica che mi ha dato questo link che è la stessa che frequenta questa facoltà mi ha detto che gli studenti sono spesso Turchi ma non mancano Francesi e qualche Tedesco
Ho appena iniziato il mio viaggio
Messaggi: 23
Iscritto il: 04/03/2009, 16:08

Re: "Novosti" da Minsk

Messaggioda darietto » 21/05/2009, 21:17

eestlane ha scritto:
andreas ha scritto:Ho scoperto che non ci sono scuole private per imparare la lingua Russa ma l'università apre in estate a corsi per stranieri al prezzo di 250 USD/mese.

andreas, qualche notizia, link, info, contatto qualcosa per questi corsi?????

We have got a message from you. It is our great pleasure to respond to your desire to study at our University. We can offer you a Russian Language course in a group at the Division of Russian as a Foreign Language at MSLU.
The answers to your questions.
1. The beginning date in October is the 1st of October.
2. The fee for 1-month course is US $250 (2 month ― US $500) including the fee for the place at the University's dormitory.
3. The dormitory is situated close to the University (4 tram stops from the University). And the University itself in situated in the centre of Minsk (Victory Square).
4. We need a notarized copy of your high-school certificate.
5. It takes about 1 month to prepare and send an invitation letter. And to start preparing an invitation letter will you kindly send us all the necessary documents for enrollment?
Enrollment Requirements
To become a student of the Division of Russian as a Foreign Language, one needs to obtain an entry visa to the Republic of Belarus via a local (or the nearest to your country) Belarusian embassy or consulate after receiving an official invitation from the University. To receive such an invitation, one needs to send to the MSLU a letter of inquiry containing the following personal data:
- application (stating the purpose, your level of Russian, the term of study and the name of the establishment issuing a visa);
- a copy of your passport (name, surname, year and place of birth, passport number and its validity, address of permanent residence);
- a notarized copy of the high-school certificate (it should be translated into English or German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian or Belarusian languages). (The original with a notarized translation attached is to be submitted by the student upon his arrival in Belarus.)
Before the commencement of studies, the student is required
- to get medical insurance from one of the state insurance companies (insurance can be arranged through the dean's office upon arrival);

Tuition payment is made upon arrival and signing the contract with Minsk State Linguistic University.

All the travelling expenses are covered by the student.

If everything suits you will you kindly send us all the necessary documents. We need them to start preparing an invitation letter for you to get visa for studies to Belarus at the Byelorussian Embassy. It takes about 20 days now to prepare such an invitation letter and a week to send it to Turkey.
Will you kindly inform us about the exact dates of your studies (from …. till …). We need them to put it into the invitation letter.
We wish you all the best! Welcome to Minsk!
Yours faithfully,
Alexander М. Zakharov
Dean of the Division of Russian

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Iscritto il: 19/01/2009, 18:23
Località: Ginevra

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